The dangers of books

The word ‘memoir’ is often equated with a book-length work, but it doesn’t need to be. In fact, if you're relatively new to writing, setting out to write a book can be dangerous, as it can set you up for failure rather than satisfaction and success.

Why? Because a book is the marathon of writing. It is, hands-down, the hardest, most agonizing, exhausting, sanity-squeezing task you can set for yourself. Anyone who tells you any different is likely to say that childbirth is like opening a bottle of wine.

But, there's good news! By changing the way you approach and pace the writing of your memoir, you may well end up with a book. You just don’t need to start with that goal (and collapse midway through!).

If you're interested in learning more, I can send you a free excerpt from my Memoir Writing Ink course. It may be all you need to get started, and eventually, to run that marathon.

Alison Wearing