The writing program that will help you transform your personal story into memoir without feeling lost, overwhelmed or alone.

Before taking this course, I felt like I was lost in a maze with no way out. I knew I had a lot to tell, and lessons in life that I could pass along to others, but I didn’t know how to put all that together and make a book out of it. I was in constant doubt. This course made me realize I could do this. And now I can look at this same maze from above and know my way out.

I call Alison ‘my angel’ because she and her work truly rescued me.
— Parvin Kolahdooz


As soon as you register, you will have access to some introductory and orientation materials. Three days after that, the first 'official' chapter will open, but this isn't live, so you can begin whenever you're ready and work through the materials at your own pace.

One new chapter will open every week for the ensuing 13 weeks (we take one week off in the middle as a 'reading week').

The complete program is available for just US$497 and includes lifetime access to the course materials, plus more than $100 in bonuses!

To pay in your home currency, click on the appropriate flag:

Need a flexible start date?
Simply purchase the course now and email to request an alternate start date.

There is a no-refund policy for this course. Here’s why.

THIS COURSE WAS A JOY! I gush to all my friends about the gorgeous time I had with it, and now I plan to work through it again because I know I will gain even more the second time around. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
— Helen O'Connor, victoria, australia
Signing up for this program is one of the best things I’ve done for myself to move my writing goals forward. Thank you for a first-rate course.
— Lorna Samraj, new mexico, usa


This program is a distillation of everything I’ve learned over 30 years of writing bestselling books, award-winning stories and plays, and helping hundreds of people craft their stories. It is a step-by-step writing program that offers you the tools, guidance, inspiration, motivation (and gentle nudging!) you will need to transform your personal stories into excellent memoirs.

Alumni of this course have gone on to see their personal essays and books published and win prizes, while others have written priceless stories as gifts for their families.

Whatever your dreams and desires for your writing might be, you can have the pleasure and satisfaction of honouring your voice, learn what it takes to craft your story well, develop your literary muscles [yes!], and finally birth the memoir that lives within you.

I’ve been writing for years and even had my first memoir with two agents, neither of whom could sell it. Taking this course has busted wide open my understanding of how to tell my story better. There have been days where one little thing Alison said or suggested brought fresh energy into my story. I’m finding my voice and not trying to wrestle with it; I’m figuring out what’s relevant, what it’s really about; I’m having fun again after feeling rather dejected!
— Karin Jones, co-winner, international amy macrae award for memoir

Registering for this course started as a birthday gift to myself, but it quickly became the highlight of my life for the last few months. It is so supportive and uplifting, Alison’s approach and manner so insightful, I could relax and let my creativity flourish. I’ve also made connections to a beautiful community. This has been one of the best gifts I’ve ever given myself.
— Tami Lou Castillo, Victoria, Australia

You don’t need to want to publish your story to want to write it.

You don’t even need to know what you want to write about.

A desire to write your story is enough.

It means that something in you is longing to be born.


Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course actually start?

As soon as you register, you will have access to some introductory and orientation materials. Three days after that, the first 'official' chapter will open, but this isn't live, so you can begin whenever you're ready and work through the materials at your own pace. If you prefer to purchase the course but begin later, we now offer that option! Simply complete your registration and then write to to request that your course be ‘paused’ until you are ready to begin. (In addition to our cohorts, we open registration on a rolling basis throughout the year, meaning that as some people finish the course, others are invited to begin.)

What if I fall behind?

Impossible! If you register for the program here, you will receive LIFETIME ACCESS to these materials and be free to go at your own pace well beyond our time together. The 12-week timeline refers to the weekly unveiling of chapters and it is suggested pace only. You are welcome to move through and return to the materials whenever you wish and to take as long as you like.

How much time will I need to complete each chapter?

It varies. Each chapter's videos, readings, texts and writing tasks might take 30-60 minutes to review, but everything is broken down into small pieces to give you the option of sitting down for 10-20 minutes at a time OR becoming inspired by an exercise that has you writing for an hour or more. It’s entirely up to you.


Are the live sessions recorded?

YES. We do everything we can to schedule the live sessions to accommodate people in different time zones (so that no matter where you are in the world, you will have the opportunity to attend at least one of the events live), and recordings of all sessions are made available within 24 hours, so you never need to worry about missing anything!

Do you offer private mentoring?

I am not taking on any new clients at the moment, as all of my time and creative energy is being poured into this course! If you would like to work together, or if you dream of doing a retreat in Italy (someday!), priority will be given to people who have gone through this program, so this is the best place to start.

Will I have my book written in 12 weeks?

I am a great believer in miracles. Truly I am. And that is what you would need to write a book in 12 weeks. So, unless you are already sitting with a nearly completed manuscript (or you have a direct line to the Miracles Department of the universe), the answer is probably no. But this program WILL give you the essential tools, the perspective and understanding, the clarity, direction, guidance, support and the critical elements of the craft that you will need to write memoir well. And you will, over time, write a much better book because of it. :)

UPDATE: Felice has now signed a publishing contract for her book!

I have been researching and writing a family memoir for five years, and Alison’s course gave me invaluable tips that really helped me on my journey. Several other things happened as well: I found the courage to post excerpts of my book for peer review, I connected with another student from across the world who became my memoir writing partner, and I FINISHED MY BOOK! It’s still at the first draft stage, but it’s great to know that I can dip back into the course whenever I want.
— Felice Hardy, winchester, UK
This course is the best investment of time and money I’ve made in a long, long while! Alison’s positivity is inspiring and motivating, and her concrete advice has helped me see how to shape my own writing in ways I never would have discovered on my own.

Although I’ve technically finished the course, I’m not ready to put it behind me. My plan is to go back and do it all again, reinforcing all the tips and picking up the exercises I skipped. Thank you so much for every part of this wonderful experience!
— Claudia Lynch, new orleans, USA

I will forever be grateful I took a chance on myself and invested in this course. It is worth more than I paid for it. Thank you, Alison, for your guidance, tutelage, patience and understanding. It has been a life-changing journey.
— Paige Ishii, Utah, USA
I can almost GUARANTEE that Memoir Writing, ink. will be the most worthwhile investment of funds, time, brainpower, and creativity that you can imagine. Whether you end up writing a full-blown memoir, dabbling in your journal, or simply continuing to read beautiful writing, you will do so with powerful tools, a new perspective, a smile on your face and in your writerly heart. Promise.
— Jennifer Leidich, Mexico city, mexico

There are many reasons to write your story & many things that can stand in the way.

1.     The terrain of memoir is fraught with potential problems and obstacles.

Can you trust your memory? What if someone doesn’t want you to write this story? How do you recreate dialogue that happened decades ago? What is the line between memory and invention? Are you allowed to make things up if you don’t remember them? A seemingly endless stream of questions can paralyze us before we even begin, but that doesn’t need to be the case. In fact, those same questions can be the doorways to the finest iterations of your story.

2.     Who cares about my story? you might wonder. Does it really matter?

When memoir is done poorly, it can be the painful literary equivalent of a selfie. But when it is framed and executed well, when key mistakes are avoided and the proper questions are asked along the way, your story (no matter how mundane you might think it is) can become a priceless gift — to yourself, and to others.

3.     We tell ourselves we’re not creative enough, not talented enough, that our story doesn’t matter enough to write.

But we may also know people who took their unique histories and experiences with them when they died, the details of their lives lost before we had a chance to understand how valuable they were. Every story matters in the same way that every life matters.

4.     We don’t know where or how to start. Or we start, lose momentum, and become overwhelmed or lost. 

Without a clear understanding of what our story needs to hold together, develop its own centre of gravity, maintain direction and higher vision, it is easy to become discouraged and give up. But with some simple tools, guidelines, inspiration and encouragement, not only can you begin your story, but you can also successfully navigate and complete it.

5.     Writing is lonely business.

It can be difficult to show up for ourselves, to make our writing a priority when the rest of life, even the laundry, can feel more pressing or urgent at times. Why bother writing when there are so many other things to do? How do you stay motivated when it becomes difficult? In its most natural state, storytelling is a social activity. We do it naturally and easily with other people, or even with just one other person. Company helps.

This course introduced me to a whole new world of creativity and also helped me to find a voice that I didn’t know I had. The framework of provided the structure I needed so that my stories could emerge, and the encouragement and inspiration from Alison and the community provided nourishment for my creative spirit. A big thank you to all those individuals who contribute to the offering of Memoir Writing Ink!
— Gail Purdy, Canada; Runner-up, international amy macrae award for memoir



The complete Memoir Writing Ink program includes:

  • Over 50 engaging, enjoyable and inspiring video and audio lessons on every essential aspect of memoir writing. [CLOSED CAPTION versions are now available upon request.]

  • A curated collection of readings designed to highlight and demonstrate each lesson in action, so that you become a better writer every time you read.

  • ‘Behind the scenes’ interviews with memoir writers talking about their books, struggles, insights, and writing processes.

  • Uniquely inspiring prompts, suggestions, and gentle nudges to get you writing every day.

  • 26 email check-ins (2 per week) to keep you accountable (and smiling), and to provide momentum and encouragement.

  • The 4-step framework I have created that will help you, regardless of your level of experience, craft the memoir you wish to write.

The program also includes 3 LIVE sessions:

  • A Live Q&A, in which your specific questions can be addressed and answered.

  • A Live Bonus Teaching offering in-depth instruction on a particular aspect of memoir writing and/or an interview with a guest writer or editor.

  • A ‘Writers Unite’ Session, which offers the opportunity to connect with a ‘writing partner’ or join a writing group — people with whom you can share writing or simply stay accountable and writing together on a regular basis.

Plus, some fabulous bonuses!

$100 off a live workshop or retreat in Italy or Canada [why not dream?]

Extra Teachings, including Become Your Own Best Editor, Memoir as Poetry, How/Where to Publish Your Work (including lists of magazines and publishers that actively publish memoir)

Winning Pitches: Sample pitch letters for personal stories that got published.

This course has been a miraculous gift for me. I’ve struggled for years to understand how to tell my story. I felt blocked in the extreme! Now I look forward every day to my writing time, and I think about what I’m going to write all day long. I’m having a GREAT time, and you’ve helped me love writing again. Thank you so much!
— Pamela Brayton, New York, USA
Memoir Writing Ink sets itself apart from any other training, in-person or online, for personal or professional growth, that I have participated in. The difference is the ongoing teaching and support available throughout the course. None of the usual ‘Thank you for your money, here’s your Powerpoint, good-bye.’ Alison and her knowledgeable staff set up and encourage an international group that feels personal to us far-flung students.
— Jane MacLean, Belfast, Ireland
Although I am a published writer, I had no idea how little I knew before taking this course. I entered it as a baby bird and, through the wonderful ‘nurturing’ I have received from Alison and this generous, supportive community, I am starting to feel my wings sprout and strengthen. And, not only that, I am finally aware of where I want to fly to. I have the focus I was missing before.
— Micki Findlay, vancouver island, canada
This program has helped me move forward on a book that I had shelved for well over a year because I was stuck in a major way. Alison’s instruction helped me not only return to the book, but also to understand what I needed to do to structure and recommit to it. Newly retired from teaching, I now awake each morning with direction and purpose.
— Susan Godwin, Cleveland, USA
Alison’s course gave me the confidence to believe I had stories worth writing and sharing, and the courage to receive feedback to improve them. She has inspired and motivated me to be a writer committed to the craft of writing. I’ve already accomplished more than I could have dreamed.
— Michael Williams, hamilton, Canada
There is so much I could comment on: the wonderful, creative organization, the variety, the introduction to authors and their writing, the way Alison has structured the content, the freedom she offers to do it at one’s own pace and in one’s own way. I really love her presence, her gentle encouragement, her spirit and spunk. And it’s all built on such a strong philosophical bedrock, it’s healing and integrating and beautiful...all while learning a craft!
— Lori Edey, Dundas, Canada
With every detailed, well-organized lesson, Alison triggers memories and writing. I love her LOL humor, her honesty and acceptance, and her forgiveness and understanding of self-doubt. Alison is an inspiration and Memoir Writing Ink is brilliant. STRONGLY Recommended.
— Barbara Fess, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
This pandemic became a hermitage writing retreat for me. My companion was the Memoir Writing Ink course. I have never written so much or so continuously. My life has been richer, my soul has been nourished, and my skills have improved dramatically. At 74, I am, for the first time, fulfilling my dream and naming myself a writer.
— Kia Woods, Connecticut, USA
I cannot recommend this course highly enough.
— Glynis Ranney

Why not register now and make this the most beautiful year you can?

Just an idea. :)