

A limited number of $200 scholarships are available for the Memoir Writing Ink program. These scholarships are intended for people who are particularly keen to participate in this program and require additional financial support in order to do so. We are also committed to supporting the emergence of marginalized voices and stories.

The cost of the program at the scholarship rate is USD$297.

It takes time and energy to review and assess every application, so thank you in advance for completing your application with an open heart and a genuine commitment, and for making a contribution to a more honest and compassionate world.

Please do NOT register for the program yet if you are applying for a scholarship. Regardless of the outcome, you will still have a chance to register at the masterclass rate and/or with another discount.

PLEASE NOTE: Scholarship results may take UP TO ONE WEEK. You WILL still have a chance to register with the masterclass discount and bonuses. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding!